Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Blog Post...ever!

Hello all! This is my first ever blog post. I know, I know...I'm behind the times! What can I say?! I'm not the most technilogical person out there (I have to have my 3 year old show me how to do stuff on my iPhone!). But I thought I'd give it a try. Well - here goes nothin'!

If you're reading this, you probably already know me, but I'll give some basic info anyway. My name is Aimee. I'm a stay-at-home mom (or Domestic Engineer as I tell my kids!) to 3 beautiful children and I'm married to the most wonderful man (who just happens to be my high school sweetheart). My oldest is my daughter, Kaytlyn, who is currently in the 3rd grade. Being my only girl, she is pretty special! She is SUPER smart (I'm sure all parents think that about their kids, but it's really true when it comes to mine! ;) ) and she is one of the sweetest, most kind hearted people I've ever met. She keeps me busy with all her activities - softball, student council, UIL competitions, and many more things. Next is my middle child, Gage. He's in kindergarten and has more energy than any one child should be allowed! He loves to run, rough house with his dad and brother, play sports, laugh, and just act sill in general. I've never seen anyone, adult or child, that can befriend ANYONE the way this child can! He has truely never met a stranger! He loves playing soccer and wrestling. My third (and last) child is my son Cooper. He's 3 and just about as energetic as his older brother! He keeps me on my toes! He is 100% boy (and for those of you with boys, you know what I mean!) - always bruised, scraped, or bloody from running, jumping, and going non-stop! He hasn't started in any sports, yet, but I'm sure he'll join the ranks of his brother and sister soon enough.

My husband and I met in high school, although we went to different schools. We met when I started working for a local grocery store and he was already working there. He trained me to check the groceries my first night working and it was love at first sight...or at least it was for me. I waited 2 weeks for him to ask me out, but when that never happened, I finally just took the initiative and asked him out. He tries to say that he didn't ask me because his best friend (who also worked at the store with us) wanted to ask me out, but I think he was just shy. He was just so cute, though! He didn't say much to me, but he always had a big smile on his face. All his high school friends called him "Smiley". And, boy, did he look good in his tight Wrangler's that he wore to work! Oh...I forgot to mention - we live in Texas. Boys with cute butts in Wrangler's are kind of a big deal here! Anyway - we went on that first date and have been together ever since. We went to college together and got married the summer before my senior year. 13 1/2 years and 3 kids later and he's still the love of my life! And my heart still skips a beat when he wears Wrangler's! :)

I've been a stay-at-home mom for over 9 years now and it is the hardest job I've ever had! There is no "check list" of duties or time clock to punch in and out. It's a 24 hour a day/7 day a week/non-stop undertaking. Most days, if I've had a shower before 5:00 at night (or even at all!), I count that as a good day. But, even with all that, it is the most wonderful, rewarding job I've ever had! Being a mother is the dream job I never knew I wanted when I was in college trying to pick a major. My family brings me more joy and love than I could have ever imagined and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I've started a little side business lately called Giggleberry Designs. I make screen-printed T-shirts, jewelry pendents, necklaces, diaper cakes, and many other random things. As soon as I get this whole blog thing figured out, I'll try my best to create a tab that shows pictures of my stuff.

I'm sure there are many more things I could say, but I guess that's all for now. Later!